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You With Me

國外詩歌 / CityWorship

You With Me 詞曲:Maximillian Low CityWorship The Savior's light of glory\我救主榮耀光明 Come and move within me\在我生命運行 Found me in a sinner's grave\黑暗中祢拯救我 And raised me to the life You gave\賜下祢寶貴生命 You formed me in Your purpose\我全人受造像祢 Called me Your reflection\因為祢賜命定 A life to give, a life to live\一生獻上 一生為祢 For Your Kingdom reigns\願祢國永遠 You reign\掌權 You’re faithful through the seasons\縱然時過境遷 No matter my conditions\祢信實總是不變 Greater is the one within\全能主奇妙無限 And He is found alive in me\祢就住在我裡面 Come and show Your glory\求祢榮耀彰顯 Let it flood within me\賜下祢的恩典 Use my hands and use my feet\使用我所有一切 To show Your Kingdom reigns\願祢國永遠 You reign\掌權 Oh God let it be known\哦主 願我生命 All of my life to shine with Your light\由祢照亮彰顯祢的名 Oh God let it be seen\就算我經歷絕境 When the fires burn, they see You in me\願世界看見祢在我生命 My King is living within\至高者住在我心 Nothing could harm me with You in me\有祢庇護我不懼仇敵 Oh God let it be seen\就算有波濤興起 When the oceans roar, they see You with me\眾人都看到祢與我同行 They see You with me\祢與我同行 You called me out\祢呼召我 You will defend me\也必守護我 You lift me up\祢扶持我 You won't forsake me\必不拋棄我

影片上架日期: 2023年8月7日